First Baptist Tulsa Women's Ministry has opportunities for women of every age to engage in Bible study, events, retreats and more!
The Women’s Ministry seeks to come alongside other women by providing several opportunities to connect and grow spiritually. It is the purpose of our ministry to encourage and equip women to grow in their relationship with the Lord and with one another.
Women’s Events
There are several events for women to participate in throughout the year, including the annual women's retreat, game nights, Ladies' Lunch, Mother-Daughter Retreat and more! Follow us on social media to look for upcoming event dates.
Women’s Bible Studies
Midweek Women’s Bible Study
Journey to the Cross and Beyond the Tomb (March 26- May 7) Wednesdays 6-7:30pm Room 408 Children’s Building Led by Lyndsay Wagner
Jesus taught many lessons and endured several trials leading up to the Cross. Through our study, we will walk step by step through Jesus' journey and the ministry He held beyond the resurrection.
Women of Faith
We seek to grow in our walk with Christ through discussion-led Bible study, as well as caring for, praying for, and ministering to each other. We are women of all ages, single, married, divorced, or widowed that have a passion for growing with one another in fellowship.
Women’s Dinner Groups
Dinner Groups are designed for women to gather in small groups to share a meal and make connections with other women. Groups meet at least once a month and last from September through May. If you're looking for friendship, encouragement or to share your love of food, this is the place for you!
Women’s Mentoring
Each year women commit to meeting together for a six month duration. Some serve as Mentors, others as Prayer Warriors and Mentees. This ministry is a great way for women to connect, pray for one another, gain wisdom and most of all grow in faith. We would love for you to participate and walk alongside some incredible women who will encourage you in your relationship with the Lord.
Meet the Director
For more information on women's Bible studies and activities, please contact Lyndsay Wagner, 918-594-5001.