Live in Community

Growing our faith together.
Live in Community

Believers joining together to grow in their faith and to live out the mission Jesus left for them.

“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” Acts 2:46–47a

In Acts, we see the believers joining together to grow in their faith and to live out the mission Jesus left for them. Community groups are the place for us to do the same, where we experience authentic community and learn to grow as disciples of Jesus.
Explore Our Community Groups
Join a group that fit’s your stage of life.
Nearly/Newly Married

Geared toward young couples considering marriage or new to marriage.  A community group learning how to do life as a couple while growing closer to Christ.

Room 428 North Building
The Verge
Mid to Late 20’s

Designed for young adults—students, graduates, professionals.  A community group that seriously studies God’s word and prioritizes strong fellowship.

Room 327 North Building
Family Discipleship
Late 30’s/Early 40’s

Targeted toward young married couples with children and early teens. A community group that is intent on building strong marriages and resilient families.

Room 329 North Building
Men's Huddle Group

Designed for men who want to connect during the week for accountability and encouragement. A community group for those looking for real-life application of biblical truth.

Panera Bread (107th and Memorial), Thursday 7 AM
Early 40’s

Targeted toward families dealing with the messiness and busyness of life.  A community group that keeps it real and puts Jesus and the study of the Scripture at the center of time together.

Room 111 Detroit Tower
Urban Life
Early 40’s

Created for couples with older children. A community group learning how to trust God and his will through the joys and challenges of family life.

Room 439 North Building
Families in Faith

Designed for families with older children moving into their teenage years. A community group encouraging faithfulness to God in the face of modern culture.

Room 334 Children’s Building
Suburban Life
Late 40’s

Design for couples with or without children. A community group that prioritizes growing and understanding of the Scripture as it applies to the family.

Room 114 Detroit Tower
Late 40’s

Created for single adults who want to address the realities of life by diving deeper into the truth of Scripture from the Sunday morning message. A community of prayer and accountability.

Room 307 North Building
Empty Nesters

Geared toward those entering a new phase of life as children leave home. This community group is committed to challenging one another and studying Scripture together.

Room 319 North Building
Bible Connections

For those passionate about in-depth and intense Bible study. A community group that values an honest look at Scripture to more fully understand obedience to Jesus.

North Building Room 310
Contact Leader
Life in Progress

Targeted toward those who are experiencing the ever-changing challenges of caring for both children and older parents. This community group is committed to serving and encouraging one another.

Room 110 Detroit Tower
Life Matters
Late 50’s

A group designed for those who find that life is full, and who have discovered that life cannot be lived alone. This community group values practical application of biblical truth.

Room 410 North Building
Faith Builders

An intentional fellowship that develops caring, prayerful relationships. This community group encourages a growing Christlikeness through clear Biblical teaching.

Room 408 Children’s Building
Faith Walkers

For those who enjoy a diverse group of single and married adults. This community group is passionate about learning what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Room 305 North Building
Sunday Morning Live

A vibrant group of believers studying God's word in an interactive environment. this community group is focused on serving the body of Christ and encouraging one another.

Room 404 Children’s Building
Shepherds Class
Late 60’s

For those who desire an in-depth Bible study with practical application.  This group prioritizes the application of Scripture though missions and prayer.

Room 403 Children’s Building
Early 70’s

Designed for primarily retired single adults from a variety of backgrounds who enjoy rich conversation about the Bible. This community group values spending time with one another.

Room 102 Detroit Tower
Kingdom Living
Early 70’s

Targeted toward older adults, both married and single. This community group values a chronological study of the Bible with practical application.

Room 443 North Building
Women of Faith

A gathering of mature women of any marital status looking to grow in their faith. This community group encourages service and prayer for one another.

Room 109 Detroit Tower

Designed for those looking for a deeper understanding of the Word of God. This community group supports one another while trying to apply Scripture to daily life.

Room 313 North Building
Adult 5

Created for active older adults looking for intentional friendships and purposeful ministry. This community group also prioritizes consistent Bible study and frequent fellowship opportunities.

Room 405 Children’s Building
Contact Leader
Early 80’s

Targeted toward older adults—single, married, or those who have lost their spouse.  A community group of caring adults still intend and growing in their relationship with Christ.

Room 108 Detroit Tower

Designed for the most senior of our senior adults. This community group fosters loving and caring relationships and values leaving a positive legacy for the next generations.

Tulsa Room in North Building
Contact Leader
Chain Breakers

Design for those who want to break the chains of addiction and compulsions through the power of the cross and the strength of a community. A biblically-infused 12 step community group.

Room 448 North Building
Fidele Servi - "Faithful Servants”

Created specifically for those who serve regularly on Sunday mornings. A community of musicians, artist, and servants who encourage one another through study and prayer.

Room 225 North

Designed for those intent on following Jesus with other believers. A community group for those who want to experience the love of God and others in community.

Room 304 North Building
Group for Introverts

Designed for people who are introverts by nature.  This community group focuses on studying Scripture and enjoying unforced conversation.

Room 303 North Building

Designed for those who want to wrestle with the heart questions of faith. Community group of diverse thinkers and learners who value participation and challenging one another to think fresh thoughts.

Room 230 North
The Message

For those who want to go more in depth to the Sunday morning message. A community group that aims to grow in the ability to apply the teaching of Scripture to the questions of life.

Cincinnati Room
The Remnant

Designed to be a small group that makes a big difference. A community group for those who want to build relationships while exploring the Bible for its importance and application.

Room 415 North Building

Designed as a group for Deaf, hard of hearing, blind and others. A community that encounters the Bible through sign and voice interpretation and engages with other area Deaf ministries.

Room 113 Detroit Tower
Men's Bible Study- Homeless Outreach Lunch

Created for those in our downtown community in search of help, hope, and healing. This community group is a conversational verse by verse discussion of the Bible.

Fellowship Hall, Thursdays 11:45 AM
Sunday Lunch Group

Created for those looking to dig deeper into the themes raised from Sunday morning messages. This community group encourages close relationships and sharing life together.

Various Restaurants in the Tulsa area, Sunday 12 PM
Monday Night Bible Study

Targeted toward young families interested in a home-based group.  A community group that offers a place for families to grow alongside one another in their relationship with the Lord.

Home Gather in Sand Spring, Monday 6 PM
How it Works
Most of our community groups meet at 9:45 on Sundays between our two worship gatherings all over campus. A handful of groups meet off-site during the week.
What to Expect
Each of our community groups is leader-facilitated, but everyone is invited and encouraged to participate. Although every group has its own style and flow, you can expect each week to start with a time of fellowship followed by a biblically-based teaching and discussion about how we can relate the Bible to our daily lives. Our hope and prayer is that you will find meaningful friendships with people who are willing to walk with you through all of life’s joys and challenges and find fresh ways to connect with God.
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I Want More Information
Connect with a community group that fits your needs.