Pastoral Care

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ!” Galatians 6:2
Pastoral Care

What is Pastoral Care?

As followers of Jesus, we are called to help carry the burdens of our brothers and sisters, but we often forget that we are equally called to allow others to do the same for us. At First Baptist, it is our joy to show compassion to those in need of help, hope, and healing. It is our desire to assure you that just because you are carrying a burden doesn’t mean that you are a burden.
How can we care for you?
We are here to support you in any way we can.
   (918) 594-5040
    420 S Detroit Ave, Tulsa, OK 74120
Pastoral Care
Browse the different ways First Baptist Tulsa is here to help you.
Prayer Team

Our team is made up of church members devoted to pray weekly for the health and well-being of our church and its people. If you would like to be a part of our Prayer Team, join us on Tuesdays at 11:15 am in the Large Conference Room on the 4th floor of the conference center.

Hospital Visitation

We want everyone in our church family who is admitted to the hospital to have contact from our deacons and ministers. Due to confidentiality, hospitals cannot inform us of your stay. If you are being admitted to the hospital, please notify the church at (918) 594-5000 and it would be our honor to visit and pray with you.

Boundless Ministry

For First Baptist members who are no longer able to come to our downtown campus, it is important that they know they are still part of our church family. Our Boundless Team volunteers visit with our homebound members to encourage them and keep them connected to First Baptist in a meaningful way. If you or someone you love would appreciate a monthly visitor, call (918) 594-5000.

Memory Cafe

A monthly gathering where those facing health and cognitive challenges can make joyful new memories! Memory Café meetings feature diverse speakers, educational programs, social interaction, and engaging activities. On the second Thursday of each month, 10 am to 11:30 am. This program is free and open to the public. Please call (918) 594-5000 to RSVP.


Find help and encouragement after the death of a loved one from those who understand. GriefShare is a 13-week gathering that can be joined at any time. For more information, visit or call (918) 594-5000.

Online Community

First Baptist has a vibrant community of online worshippers who join us from all over the country! Hosted streaming services are available at on Sundays 8:30am and 11am CST. For more information contact our Online Community Minister, Marissa Carter.

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